A good trademark is a valuable advertisement for your company, services and products. It deserves the best possible protection under trademark law.
Registering a trademark enables you to secure your rights to your trademark word, for example, or your logo. According to trademark law, a registered trademark provides a prohibition right. Trademark protection can take on different forms. Word trademarks and logo or device trademarks are especially common. To have a trademark registered, you need to file a Trademark Application with the competent trademark office, such as the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) for a German trademark, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) (formerly Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM)) for a European
Union trade mark (formerly community trademark) also known as the “European Trademark”, or the WIPO for international registration (also known as “International Trademark” or “IR Trademark”).
In addition to applying for trademark protection, a trademark evaluation is often recommended. Trademark evaluation, however, is ambiguous. On the one hand, an office may conduct a trademark examination to determine if the trademark may be registered or not; naturally, we can evaluate whether trademark law allows for registration of your trademark. On the other hand, a trademark search can be initiated to check whether older trademarks pose an obstacle or might be infringed upon.