Do you plan to purchase intellectual property rights or wish to sell your utility model? Would you like to license a utility model or conclude a cooperation contract (R&D)?
If you are interested in purchasing or licensing a utility model, we can guide you along the way and support you in negotiations and contract preparation. We ascribe great importance to appraising the legal validity and enforceability of the intellectual property rights in question. Therefore, when estimating the value of an intellectual property right, we do not only determine aggregate values, but we also illuminate the fundamental issues.
Furthermore, if you want to sell an intellectual property right or grant a license, we can represent you during the negotiations and advise you on how to conclude a contract that best secures your interests.
Does the development of new products require you to cooperate with external developers or cooperation partners who enjoy equal rights? If so, there should be an agreement in writing clarifying how inventions worthy of protection will be handled. You can also rely on our experience and expertise when negotiating these kinds of agreements.
We can provide you with the appropriate documents of contractual agreement or prepare the contracts to suit your individual needs. At a further stage in the process, we are happy to conduct negotiations, accompany you, or provide background appraisals and alternative phrasing. We explain the advantages and disadvantages of particular wording and point out possible pitfalls. This allows you to make the most of the negotiations.